Thursday 3 May 2018


The weather has been so unpredictable over the last few weeks. One minute we are having a mini heatwave, the next we're plunged into freezing conditions, wind, heavy rain and goodness knows what else. But at last, things seem to be heading in a more 'spring-like' direction. Not that the Bluebells are too worried what happens.
These pictures were taken a few days ago as we trudged through Mapperley Wood to check on their progress.
Despite the mud under foot, it was well worth the effort, so we checked out the scene on Shipley Hill too.
We were not the only ones either. Several people were doing the same thing and many a colourful snap was being taken.
The cherry blossom on Shipley Hill is looking good too, especially this morning as the sun had come out and things had warmed up a bit.
A little digital manipulation adds a certain something!
Just time for one last shot of the bluebells... getting down for a low view!

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