Thursday 10 May 2018

Spring Blooms

The countryside around us, is bursting with flowers right now - all eagre to make up for lost time, it seems. So from the Bird Cherry trees by the Nutbrook...
to the spectacular pink cherry tree atop Shipley Hill...
things are looking up (as indeed, was I.)
While on Shipley Hill, you can still find vast patches of Bluebells in full bloom.
Although this seasonal splash of blue is beginning to fade a little, it remains one of the best reasons to get out and about at the moment.
Among the old gardens of Shipley Hall, the Rhododendrons are also starting their display.
Simply stunning in the sunshine...
And this bright yellow Azalea luteum in the grounds of Derby Lodge, looks gorgeous too.
Lets not overlook the more mundane flowers either. Everywhere there is grass, you are sure to find a Dandelion or two.
And where they grow in their hundreds, you couldn't wish for a more beautiful sight - how could you ever refer to these wonderful flowers, as weeds?

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