Tuesday 15 May 2018

Change of Plan

Malcolm and I, set out for our morning walk as usual today, but got side-tracked at the last minute (long story) and ended up spending the morning up ladders, digging in the garden and generally having a good 'potter'. All very rewarding!
So in the absence of pictures today, here are some from our walk yesterday - starting with the glorious Hawthorns which are filling the air with their rather curious scent.
After a long wait for spring to begin, things have now all happened at once and the Hawthorn has exploded with blossom.
On Shipley Hill, the Azaleas at the Derby Lodge, just keep getting better.
This Azalea luteum is so brightly golden, that it seems almost unreal.
Down to Osborne's Pond and the gnarled old Oak offered us a little welcome shade from the warm sun.
While out on the man-made island, a pair of Swans were busy rearranging their nesting materials.
You could easily get carried away for hours, just sitting here, watching the reflections under this fine old tree.
Time to snap out of it and make for home again!

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