Tuesday 22 May 2018


As we walk around the countryside hereabouts, there really is only one topic of conversation right now. The Hawthorn!
I have mentioned how the season has exploded with blossom after a very long, cold and wet winter, but the Hawthorn bushes stand head and shoulders above all others at the moment.
They are smothered with blossom and their scent is quite intoxicating - if something of an acquired taste!
Close examination of the flowers, reveals nectar aplenty, glistening in the sunshine. The only problem seems to be the dearth of insects to take advantage of it. One might expect the trees to be 'buzzing' with bees and hoverflies, all feasting on the nectar, but sadly, there were very few to be seen on these.
Along the footpaths near to our home, it all makes for a fantastic spectacle.
Lets have a closer look.
Just time for one more...

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