Thursday 24 May 2018

Shipley Hall

With a rather stiff breeze taking the edge off the temperature, we set off to climb a Hill this morning and to visit the site of the old hall. Our primary objective was to check on the Rhododendrons and Azaleas which grow there.  We were not disappointed.
This small patch of Azaleas is always a joy to the senses at this time of year. The colours simply burst out of the shrubbery, as the scent from the yellow azalea, fill your nostrils.
Around the site, the old Italianate gardens which once delighted the Miller-Mundy family and their guests at the hall, now delight us all.
The colours of these Rhododendrons is stunning. One, red variety was particularly worthy of note this morning.
With a little digital manipulation, one can isolate the red... Who knew?
It's worth taking a broader view of the site.
Where the walls of the old hall are still picked out in stone, this Potentilla formed a golden highlight...
With a backdrop of Wisteria, adding - once again - a delightful scent on the chilly breeze.
There will undoubtedly be more on this topic in days to come...

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