Thursday 26 April 2018

Blues and Coos

Despite the late start, things have moved on a bit in the countryside. Cherry trees are in full blossom and Blackthorn is still filling the hedgerows. So, with that in mind, this morning, we set out for Shipley Hill to check on the progress of the Bluebells. And a good thing we did!
While they are not yet quite at their best, they were nevertheless, looking pretty good in the patch of woodland near Nottingham Lodge.
Their scent was rather intoxicating too - when the breeze died down enough to allow us to appreciate it.
In another part of the parkland, where the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust have their farmland, four delightful little Highland calves are being carefully looked after by their mothers.
Two white ones and two brown - but never quite managing to get into the same picture at once. They all look rather sleepy.
The presence of the remains of an umbilical chord on this one, shows how young they are.
As always, they are creating quite a lot of interest and everyone has to stop and go "ooh" and "aah" while this little one poked its tongue out at us.
They're all impossibly cute.

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