Friday 20 April 2018


Well! It seems we have left winter behind, skipped straight past spring and gone directly to summer. Where a couple of weeks ago, we were shivering in sub-zero temperatures and snow, yesterday and today we've been subjected to weather more usual for August. Ample opportunity for us to get out and about with the flask! So yesterday, we took ourselves for a longer walk around Shipley Park. Firstly, along Slack lane, there was time to admire the brightly coloured Gorse.
The summer migrant birds were obviously enjoying the weather too. Arriving back in the UK from their winter quarters in Africa, they must have been thinking they'd made a dreadful mistake over the last few weeks. But yesterday, they were singing their little hearts out and no doubt enjoying the insect feast on offer at last.
The Maple trees are at last beginning to bloom, opening their pale lime-green flowers to the sunshine.
And through the woodland of Shipley Park, a few late Narcissus were still looking good.
The Cherry blossom is beginning to show its hand now too. This particular tree has been a favourite of mine for several years, but it is not usually so late to bloom as it is this year.
Judging by the number of bees which were buzzing about the flowers, they must also be very glad to see such a profusion as this.
You can never get too much of a good thing!
By the time we reached the site of Shipley Hall, we were hot and ready for a sit down - and a flask of coffee too. Not a bad place to have elevenses!

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