Wednesday 7 March 2018

Back Out

Recently, the weather has been particularly unkind to us. The severe frosts and snows of last week coupled with a biting wind-chill, were followed by a thaw, rain and very muddy conditions. All of which have left things extremely wet under foot and not very conducive to a  good walk in the countryside. But things have started to look up a bit this week, so with the sun shining onus at last this morning, we set out for a walk around the 'farm walk'.
A few green buds are starting to appear in the hedgerows, but the trees remain bare and wintry, but the blue skies were an improvement.
Along Slack Lane, it was a bit wet and in a few places, the snow was still clinging tenaciously to the ditches and paths...
... particularly where the sun hasn't yet managed to reach the ground.
But the birds were singing brightly from the tree-tops and the Ivy clinging to these Oaks, gave the impression of the greenery to come.
Back home and I was particularly pleased to see that the Bluebell seeds which I collected last year, have started to germinate. So, lets hope we soon have a colourful display of blue in the garden.

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