Tuesday 20 February 2018

Snowdrop Time

Once again, we've arrived at that time of year when the woodland floor is coated with its usual array of Snowdrops.
Our walk this morning, although still very wet under foot, was at least brighter than of late and a little milder too. So, we took in Shipley Hill and Mapperley Reservoir as we checked up on these beautiful harbingers of spring.
On the hill, the gardens belonging to Nottingham Lodge, were liberally sprinkled with them.
And the Derby Lodge too had its fair share.
It seemed, everywhere you looked this morning, Snowdrops were waving happily in the breeze.
A very welcome splash of sunshine today, meant that the flowers were opening out to reveal their true colours - something of a rarity so far this year.
Today is also a special day for Malcolm's mum, as its her birthday. So, a very happy 87th to Mum 'P'- seen here with Malcolm, in Luzern in 2015.

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