Monday 19 March 2018


Once again, I'm back, apologising for not posting very much recently. But, in my defence, it has been rather rotten weather and this morning, finally, we got out for a brief walk to Straw's Bridge. After the snow and plunging temperatures of the last few days, the countryside was looking a little worse for wear.
The few birds we saw as we slithered along the Nutbrook Trail, were desperate to find something to eat, but the Long-tailed Tits were still about as were several Robins - which gave the scene a look of Christmas rather than nearly Easter.
At long last though the snow was beginning to melt as a thaw set in and if it hadn't been for the bitterly cold wind which seemed determined to cut us in half, it would have been a much nicer walk.
Hopefully, as things start to improve this week, we will manage to get out and about a bit more, giving me the opportunity for some more blog posts.

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