Monday 18 December 2017

Winter Wonderland

Having not had much exercise over the weekend, Malcolm and I decided we would do the 'donkey walk' this morning. As we set out, the thermometer was telling us that it was just above freezing - but it certainly didn't feel like it. Along the old coal-mine railway lines, it was bitterly cold, despite the sunshine.
A frosty rime was on everything (very Dickensian) and peace had descended.
A slight mist hung in the air and mingled with a little wood smoke, giving things an ethereal appearance.
A little over a mile away, the two towers of Ilkeston's town centre churches, were standing out through the mist.
Where workers from the local wildlife trust were clearing some over-grown Silver Birches, bonfires provided the reason for that very festive, smoky smell and more beautiful scenes through the trees.
All quite beautiful - but very cold!

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