Friday 22 December 2017


There was a strange mistiness in the air this morning as we set out for our usual constitutional. From these pictures, it looked as if it should have beeen bitterly cold, but in fact, it was quite mild. A vast plume of steam drifted upward from the cooling towers of Sawley Power Station some 9 miles away.
As we approached Shipley Lake, things seemed to have cleared a little so we gazed out across the water, trying to ignore the noise from workmen preparing the ground for building in the new year. The Coots were trying to ignore it too!
By the time we got to Mapperley Reservoir, a thin layer of mist was hanging over the surface of the water like a blanket of gossamer. (Very poetic).
The mist appeared to come and go, but all the time hovering no more than a few feet above the water.
The scene was crying out for a little photo 'magic.' All quite beautiful, but time to head home again.

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