Tuesday 12 December 2017

Hard as Iron

Setting out this morning, it was even colder than yesterday. The thermometer was still well below freezing as we stepped out, but we had lost the stiff breeze of yesterday and the sun was shining, so it felt much better, despite the cold.
We thought we would head around Mapperley Reservoir this morning. In Winter, it is usually too soggy to get round the reservoir but with plunging temperatures, the earth was 'hard as iron'. The reservoir too, was frozen over leaving several confused ducks and coots.
Frost adorned the leafless branches and twigs and there was no sign if the Kingfishers which were in residence the last time we visited this end of the reservoir.
Sparkling sunshine made things much better and gave us a beautiful view across the water.
Time to head home again, back along Slack Lane - careful not to slip!

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