Saturday 30 December 2017

Look Back 4

October was dominated by the colours of autumn and the display was pretty good around Shipley Park.
 As always, the fungi made a welcome return, the most attractive of which had to be the Fly Agarics.
 Woolly Milk Caps were in abundance...
 and Turkey Tails adorned the rotting tree trunks.
In our back garden, a ferocious little beast caught my attention - this turned out to be a specimen of Enoplognatha ovata.
At the end of October, I turned my attention to the rather more attractive animals to be found around these parts, particularly this magnificent Mistle Thrush.
Everywhere, things were starting to shut down for the winter season - although not before one last hurrah!
November came along and we had time to reflect...
 as did this gorgeous Mute Swan.
 The autumn colours were still very good....
but were beginning to be outshone by the shiny berries.
 A few Winter visitors were starting to turn up too.
 And at the end of the month, Malcolm had a birthday - and looked rather pleased about it!
And so we made it to another December. It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas, especially during our quick trip to the Christmas markets of York.
Things then looked a lot more seasonal as we had a little snow...
and the countryside was gripped (temporarily) by misanthropic ice.
So we come to the end of another year, this time on a rather chilly note.
Lets hope there will be plenty more opportunities for photos in 2018.

Happy New Year to all who deserve it.

See you on the other side!

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