Saturday 13 January 2018

New Year

It seems to have been quite a while since I posted anything on here, but seeing as the weather has pretty grotty so far this year, it's not really surprising. However, we managed to get a good walk yesterday, round Shipley Hill and then down to Osborne's Pond - avoiding the construction work which has started around Shipley Lake - and a good thing we did too! As we got to the water's edge, we were delighted to find a drake Mandarin Duck in fine form, preening on a rock.
On such a dull day, it was tricky getting a good shot, particularly as he was under a large Oak tree which made it even darker.  But such a brightly coloured bird will always shine out, even in the deepest gloom.
He really was a little stunner.
Turning for home, we found that the Hazel trees are gearing themselves up for the Spring ahead and have started to produce catkins already.
The long tassels of the male flowers are in stark contrast to the tiny, red female flowers sprouting from the tips of the twigs.
Back home, the Squirrel is plundering the bird feeders as usual.
Caught you!

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