Friday 29 December 2017

Look Back 3

Continuing our look back at the last year, we arrive at July and the meadows were just bursting with colour. Meadowsweet was full bloom...
 and on the Hogweed flowers, soldier Beetles were doing what soldier Beetles do.
 A new 'tick' was added to my life lists, courtesy of this Twin-lobed Deerfly.
All was colourful by the waters of Osborne's Pond...
 and Straw's Bridge.
Malcolm and I,took a trip to Cannock Chase around the middle of the month. It was a hot, sunny day and we had a great time exploring a part of the country new to me.
 It was nice to get some shade under all those pines.
By August, we had started to harvest this year's crop of blackberries - earlier than usual - and what a bumper crop it turned out to be!
The Willow trees were coming under attack from these colourful little devils - Buff-tip Moth caterpillars.
Malcolm and I had fun feeding the Konik ponies some delicious alfalfa which as growing just out of their reach and they loved it!
By the end of August, I had turned fifty years old - goodness knows how that happened so we'll draw a veil over that and concentrate on the mini beasts which were found all over the trees around Shipley Lake. Leaf Beetles...
 and Parent Bugs aplenty.
September rolled around and we were off on our travels again, this time, to Edinburgh. we visited the botanical gardens...
 and we were lucky enough to be there at the right time to see the Giant Victoria Water Lily in flower.
 A stroll along the waters of Leith was very rewarding as usual.
 Malcolm was enjoying the views too.
Back home and things had started to show signs of autumn. Berries were ripening...
 the leaves were turning...
 and the hay was baled up and ready for the winter.
In the garden, small Harvestmen were busy preparing for the colder weather. Frightening little things they are too!
More tomorrow, as we approach the end of the year.

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