Monday 11 December 2017

Colder Still

With a little snow on the ground and a very chilly wind blowing, we set out this morning wrapped up against the cold. Hats and scarves adorned our frosty heads and thick gloves to keep Malcolm's fingers from dropping off.
Where the snow had thawed and re-frozen over night, the going was treacherous and few slips were inevitable as we picked our way along.
Down towards 'Vole Bridge' the mud was only just frozen, so we had to step carefully.
Then it was onward towards the farm and the Oaks which stand guard over Slack Lane whatever the weather.
When we first set out, it looked as if things might brighten up a bit, but there was still no sign of it. The sun was up there somewhere, but it was struggling to make it's presence felt this morning.
Along the old mine workings and Silver Birch tree trunks added another element of white.
On the home stretch and a little digital 'bloom' brightens the snowy scene...
Time for a warming coffee and a sustaining tot of Brandy - purely medicinal of course!

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