Monday 21 August 2017

Blackberries & Ponies

The Blackberry season is rapidly coming to an end, so with that in mind, we set out this morning, to gather what might turn out to be the last for this year. Still very numerous, many of them are are a little too ripe and 'squashy'. But we still managed to collect a couple of bags full - so that's breakfast sorted out for the next few days!
On the way, we had noticed that the Wildlife Trust have put a mixed flock of sheep and a couple of Konik Ponies in one of the meadows.
The ponies were busy cropping the drying grasses close to the fence as well as the Oak and Willow saplings. But what they really wanted was the lush, green grass on the other side of the fence.
When we'd finished foraging for Blackberries, we walked back along the edge of the Ponies' field and stopped to gather some fresh, juicy stems of Lucerne - also known as Alfalfa for them.
Soon, the ponies were competing to reach over the fence to grab at the Lucerne we'd gathered for them.
They clearly enjoyed this little treat, so we'll definitely be picking some more for them the next time we pass.

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