Wednesday 16 August 2017

Odds and Ends

I noticed this morning, that the page hit counter for this blog, has just topped a quarter of a million. Time for a celebratory something or other I think!
Just a few pictures today, from recent walks around the area, starting with a little bit of exotica which turned up at Straw's Bridge a few days ago. Standing among the more usual Mallards, Canada Geese and Swans, was a pair of Egyptian Geese (Alopochen aegyptiaca).
Not surprisingly, it is a native of North Africa and was brought to the UK in the 18th century as an ornamental addition to many a lake on a grand estate. Eventually, it was added to the official British breeding bird list in 1971 and numbers have reached about 1100 breeding pairs.
With the Summer racing past at a frightening rate, the hedgerows have started to bear fruit in great profusion. Among the most colourful and numerous at the moment are those belonging to the Guelder Rose.
These, growing along Slack Lane have an almost waxy appearance as they shine deliciously red in the sunshine.
Finally for today, a couple of fine views across Mapperley Reservoir. When the weather is calm and the sky is blue, you get some wonderful reflections on the water.
It makes for a perfect spot to stand a while and take in the peace and quiet - until a tractor roars past flicking slurry from it wheels and rather spoiling the effect!

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