Tuesday 22 August 2017

50 Already!

Just as I was getting used to being 40, suddenly it's my birthday again and I've hit the big five-O! How the hell did THAT happen?
Waking this morning to find that I'd become 50 years old over night, Malcolm and I nevertheless set out for our usual morning constitutional. Curiously for August, it was foggy and extremely humid as we started out. This turned out to be a good thing, because the murky conditions kept others in, so we had an unusually quiet walk around Shipley Hill.
The views were somewhat obscured by the mist, giving a rather ethereal feeling to things.
From the hill, we descended to Mapperley Reservoir where all was peaceful and still.
The quiet was pierced by the occasional harsh call of a Coot or Grebe but not a breath of air disturbed the water's surface or the many discarded feathers which floated thereon. It was just a pity that it was so dull - too dull for many photos.
Back home for coffee and some lunch and 'nice' bottle of wine to celebrate my half century. I suppose it will only be about five minutes before I'm turning 60...!

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