Tuesday 20 June 2017

Birds and Dogs

Following a scorching few days, during which Malcolm has been revelling in the heat and I've been getting grumpy, this morning dawned cloudy, breezy and all together cooler. So, we set out on our walk, to take in Mapperley Village, Reservoir and Wood. At the reservoir, we had lots of company come to see if we had anything to eat...
There are usually several Canada Geese to be seen (and heard) on the reservoir, but this morning, there were an unusual number of them. One in particular seemed keen to get a closer look at us...
and soon came in for his close-up!
In the woodland around the reservoir, Dog Roses are in full bloom, their beautiful scent wafting about on the breeze as we passed.
This bush seemed to have particularly deep pink flowers which were just crying out to be photographed.
More birds next, but this time a diminutive plant called Birds-foot Trefoil. Low-growing and very common, it is easy to overlook this little stunner.
Sometimes known as Bacon-and-Eggs because it has both orange and yellow flowers on the same plant, it gets its name from the shape of its seed pods which are supposed to resemble a bird's foot.
Tomorrow looks like it's going to be hot again so there will probably be not much walking done until it cools off again.

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