Friday 16 June 2017

Wildflower Meadows

The height of Summer, brings a glut of wildflowers in the British countryside. Around these parts, we are very lucky to have a plethora of wildflower meadows and grassland. Pewit Carr is, as always among the best.
Huge numbers of Buttercups are accompanied by Common Spotted and Marsh Orchids as well as various Sorrel, Clovers and Meadowsweet.
As you would expect, it's the Orchids which draw the attention more than most.
Among the biggest and most outlandishly flamboyant flowers in the meadows and hedgerows at the moment, has to be the Ox-eye Daisy. Our walk this morning took us past a large number of these statuesque beauties.
As they swayed in the stiff breeze, their flower heads were proving to be very popular with Bees and Hoverflies too.
Close to and indeed growing among the Ox-eye Daisies, hundreds of Perforate St. John's Wort were also beginning to open their bright yellow flowers.
With all this colour and floral richness, it's sometimes difficult to know which way to look first.
Lots more to come yet, have no doubt!

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