Thursday 22 June 2017

Weeping Window

Departing from our normal routine, Malcolm and I, joined his mum for a trip into Derby this morning. The principal reason was to take a look at the temporary art installation called 'Weeping Window.'
Made from several thousand, hand-made, ceramic poppies, this is a small part of the much larger installation which featured so memorably at the Tower of London back in 2014.
Commemorating the First World War, it is appropriate that it should be sited at the Silk Mill as the mill was used not only for grinding corn, but also for making medical supplies during that period. Both, essential to the war effort.
The poppies themselves make a magnificent sight as they seem to tumble from the window, down the side of the building and spill onto the ground below.

Drawing quite a few on-lookers, all with cameras at the ready to capture this display.
All rather poignant and definitely worth changing our routine to take a look at.
The Poppies are there until 23rd July.

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