Monday 6 June 2016

Back to Spiez

It was quite hot in the sunshine as we walked around Thun. Some of the narrow alleyways and streets gave a little shade, as did the main square where we were overlooked by an axe-wielding lion statue on the corner of one of buildings.
Difficult as it was to tear ourselves away from the castle...
and the lovely views from it's environs...
It was time to head back to the boat, passing across another of those covered bridges.
Fighting through the turbulent waters, we found a family of Goosanders including both parents and about ten babies. The male bird was looking glorious in the sun.
Back out on the lake we headed for 'home'. I took a short video of the trip looking backwards from the boat.
Soon we landed back at Spiez after a great day on the water.
A wonderful day and the weather had been perfect.

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