Sunday 5 June 2016


Back out on the Thunersee, we passed several pretty villages along the lakeside. Among the best was the town of Oberhofen with it's typically Swiss castle reflected in the water.
The keep of this castle dates from the early 13th century and the castle belonged to the Habsburgs in the 14th century.
Further along and another castle came into view through the trees (it seems every town and village has its own castle in Switzerland). This one was not so old having been built in the mid 19th century and went by the name of Hünegg.
Also nestled among the trees and houses was the church of St. Andreas at Hilterfingen.
Then it was on to Thun. Here again the river Aare runs through the town, but here it is crossed in a couple of places by covered bridges, housing mechanisms which operate sluice gates below.
The beautiful, blue water was cascading through with a great roar.
The bridges afford some lovely views up the river.
A little way from the river, the main town square is surrounded by municipal buildings including the Council Building...
And the Hotel Krone.
All loomed over by the Castle built on 12th century foundations.
Quite an imposing edifice and quite a climb to get to the castle walls.
The elevation was good for getting a view across the castle grounds to the mountains in the distance.
Still a bit more to come tomorrow....

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