Tuesday 7 June 2016

An End To It

Like last year's trip to Luzern, our short break in the beautiful town of Spiez was memorable to say the least. We managed to pack so much in to our four-day stay, that it seems we had spent much longer there. One of the many highlights has to be the view from our hotel balcony.
We didn't have far to go to get some lovely views of the old castle either. It was right behind the hotel, beyond a small vineyard.
The castle grounds were stunning too....
As were the views from practically everywhere.
Nowhere were the views to be bettered than from the summit of Niesen, with a clear vista straight across to the iconic peaks of the Alps, including of course, The Eiger.
How could you ever tire of views like this?
Or this?
All too soon however, it was time to return home and on the Saturday morning, following a pretty horrendous storm during the night, we woke to find Niesen shrouded in cloud and looking rather ominous.
The weather had turned from sunny and hot, to cool and wet over night, highlighting how lucky we had been with the weather we'd had.
That's all for Switzerland. Now it's back to more 'homespun' subjects.

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