Thursday 28 April 2016


Malcolm and I have been on a short trip again and returned home yesterday, from a few days in Newquay, Cornwall. The weather was a little on the chilly side to say the least, but it remained mostly dry with some sunshine. Only a cold wind took the edge off the temperatures. The wind-chill didn't put the surfers off!
The best thing about windy weather at the coast, is the effect it has on the surf and we certainly had some nice waves and 'white horses' to look at. Along the cliffs, thickets of Alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum) were braving the chill and beginning to flower.
As usual, our walks took us out of the town and along the clifftops to Porth and the Bronze age site at Trevelgue Head.
Our walk was curtailed a little by some works being carried out at the headland, which prevented our getting onto the actual headland, but considering how windy it was, we were probably saved from being blown into the sea. The gulls, Fulmars Jackdaws and Ravens were not fussed by any of it and seemed to being having great fun, effortlessly riding the wind.
On our way there, were delighted to see several clumps of beautiful Primroses flowering bravely in the hedgerows.
Even in the cold wind, they make a wonderful display and a much needed reminder that it was in fact spring!
Much more to come over the next few days....

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