Wednesday 20 April 2016


Another sunny day meant that Malcolm and I had a longer walk this morning. We set out up and over Shipley Hill as usual, taking in the Bluebells once more.
This large patch near the Nottingham Lodge, is looking better every day, especially when the is shining on them.
From these delightful Bluebells, we carried on over the hill and headed for Cinder Hill and the exercise machines which are to be found there. Malcolm felt the need to have a go at some 'pull-ups' on one of the machines, so having got that out of his system, we continued on our way, past the visitors centre and along to Meadow Farm. Then it was back to Bell Lane and through the woods towards Mapperley Reservoir taking in the view point overlooking a small wildlife pond.
This area is undergoing much improvement by the Derbyshire County Council, making it better for local wildlife and visitors alike.
Stopping for a flask of coffee at Mapperley Reservoir, we returned home via Mapperley Wood, crossing the small streams which once fed the canal system from the reservoir.
Dappled sunlight threw patches of light and shade onto the water's surface and the sound of trickling water was rather soothing. All in all, a nice morning's walk.

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