Friday 29 April 2016

Birthday Coincidence

Little did we know when we booked our few days in Newquay, that my Cousin (once removed) Brian and his wife Mary, would be there at the same time. It was Brian's 88th birthday last Sunday and Malcolm and I were invited along to their hotel for a celebratory dinner that night. All very lovely, very coincidental and also very nice to see them both.
Brian and Mary's hotel was situated on the Pentire peninsular, close to the Gannel River and it was to there that Malcolm turned our feet for a lovely walk.
Difficult to imagine that this headland was almost completely devoid of human habitation at the end of the eighteenth century. Now it is covered with houses and hotels, but the views are stunning and there is still plenty of green space. Along one footpath, Lords and Ladies were in full bloom (a little earlier than those we have on our home patch).
On our way to the Gannel River, we first took in the Gardens of Trenance Park. Everything here seemed to be in full bloom too - mostly the Tulips.
This is a lovely area of Newquay and always so beautifully kept. With a boating lake and small stream running through the park, ducks and geese are always on hand to cadge a crumb of bread. But it was the flowers which impressed most.
Tulips of every hue were blooming in the sunshine.
The whole park was as always, quite glorious.
More tomorrow.....

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