Sunday 21 February 2016

Bright and Beautiful

More pictures today from our bright, sunny and rather beautiful walk around Shipley Park on Friday, starting with some reflected scenes at Shipley Lake. The water had a covering of thin ice but there was still a little clear water to reflect the trees.
The Derbyshire Wildlife Trust has done a lot of work around this area, clearing scrub, erecting fences and constructing viewing platforms. Perfect for looking at the reflections.
It looks as if the photo is upside down!
In the woodland on Shipley Hill, a strange fungus was growing on a tree trunk. Political correctness raises it's ugly head here as this fungus used to be called Jews' Ear Fungus (Auricularia auricula-judae), but in these PC days, it tends to be known simply as Ear Fungus! Either way, it's an odd looking, jelly-like organism.

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