Wednesday 24 February 2016

Frosty and Bright

It was a rather chilly start to the day today. When I made coffee at about 8 o'clock this morning, the thermometer outside, was reading -3.8 degrees, so it was no surprise to see a coating of frost on everything when we set out for our walk. Having said that, the sunshine and deep blue skies made it a wonderful day to be out and about.
Heading out along the old West Hallam railway trail, even the white cattle were enjoying the sunshine.
This little one was especially happy to doze in the sun...
Further along, we passed by Head House Farm and Slack Lane, giving us some lovely views across the farmland towards Shipley Hill.
Clear blue skies and bare branches made a great backdrop and the Oaks were already starting to form buds - very early this year.
Taking a wider view, we got the full panorama.

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