Friday 19 February 2016

Back to Normal

Things have been rather difficult lately. Yesterday, we said a last 'goodbye' to my mother who sadly passed away last week following a short illness.
Getting things back to normal is never easy, but a beautiful, sunny walk through Shipley Country Park this morning, cheered the spirits somewhat, particularly as the Snowdrops are looking at their best right now.
These are to be found growing on the slope known as 'beggar's walk' in the woodland of Shipley Hill.
Bright blue skies accompanied us on our walk and the views across to the village of Smalley and the farmland which lies between, were a joy this morning.
Ice on the surface of Mapperley Reservoir, provided a place to stand for the Black-headed Gulls which are always present there. How they manage to stand on ice without getting cold feet, simply boggles the mind, but they seem to come to no harm.
It was nice to get out and about in the sun this morning, getting back to a little normality after a sad time.

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