Thursday 2 January 2014

New Year

2014 started on a rather wet and windy note so Malcolm and I didn't manage to get a walk yesterday (only as far as the post box).  But this morning dawned bright and clear with our resident Song Thrush singing his heart out to accompany our first coffee of the day.  Then, following breakfast, it was off for a walk through Shipley Park, over Shipley Hill and down to Osborne's Pond.  We thought we would have a good long walk today as things look likely to deteriorate once more after this brief clear spell.  Glad to be out, we were impressed with the sunshine and the way it made the Pines on Shipley Hill, look even more statuesque than usual.
Among the tangle of branches which seem to have become even more knotted together in the recent gales, these stately sentinels, stand watch over South side of the hill, looking out towards Ilkeston.
Close by, a stand of fairly young, silver Birch trees shone in the sunshine, their papery, thin, white bark gleaming against the blue sky.
On the shores of Osborne's Pond, two more fine Pine trees keep a watchful eye on the waterfowl below.
After all the recent rain, everywhere is so muddy and wet that it's tricky walking along some of the footpaths.  The reservoirs and lakes are all overflowing into canals and run-offs and puddles block the paths and force you paddle if you want to get by.  With more rain to come this week - and more gales too - things are only going to get wetter.  Not perhaps, the best start to the year, but at least the continuing mild weather is helping with the heating bills!

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