Tuesday 31 December 2013

Bye Bye 2013

Well, we've just about scraped through another one.  So, as the last few hours of 2013 slide past us with the aid of a Gin and Tonic or two (hopefully), I thought I would end this year's posts with a look at some of the new 'ticks' which have managed to get onto my life lists this year.
It's been a good year for ticking off new species.  Birds, bugs, spiders, plants, trees and even a horrible-looking leech made their way onto the lists.  I was particularly pleased with the rare Audouin's Gull and the Bloody-nosed Beetle was spectacular.
Insects are a constant source of 'new ticks' and some of them are extremely colourful as the Striped Bug and Vapourer caterpillar ably demonstrated.
It has been a good year too for new plants, especially with our trips to Mallorca and Menorca this year.  Pyramidal Orchids, Coris and Bellardia were all well worth finding.
Star Clover and Lavatera were quite beautiful too and not forgetting those plants which grow closer to home, the Aquilegia and Agrimony were pretty good 'ticks' also.
Well, there we are.  Time to look forward to 2014 and hope we manage at least as many new species on the life lists.  I will certainly be keeping a sharp look out.

Which just leaves me with a cheery "HAPPY NEW YEAR" to all who deserve it.

Now, where's that Gin and Tonic?

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