Sunday 5 January 2014


The promise of yet more gales and further heavy rain later today and tomorrow, made us determined to get out and about this morning to make the most of this brief window of good weather.  We set out for a short walk through Pewit Carr to Straw's Bridge with the sun trying to break through the thin, high clouds and with our wits about us because of patchy ice on the footpaths.  Where recent gales have brought down trees, the paths have been cleared of fallen debris and in the case of one old willow, some colourful stumps have been left behind.
If it hadn't been so chilly and damp, I might have tarried a little longer to try to count the rings and see how old this specimen was.  Certainly the trunk had split and divided into at least five parts, all of which had succumbed to the wind.
Our summer walks across the wild flower meadows, are strictly off limits at the moment because the ground is so waterlogged.  But a thin covering of frost on the grass and the weak sun shining on it, made the scene look good - if nothing else!

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