Friday 21 December 2012


Well, here we are, the end of the world as we know it!  Despite the impending doom, Malcolm and I set out for a a rather soggy walk around the Nutbrook trail this morning.  After the deluge yesterday, everywhere is, once again, saturated, 'puddly' and in the case of the Nutbrook Canal, overflowing.
By the time we got there, the water had fallen a few inches, but the evidence of it's force and extent was clear.  Flowing fast and muddy, the water was everywhere and in some places, trying it's best to leave the confines of the old canal and encroach on the surrounding woodland.
Quite a spectacle and with more rain forecast for the next few days, things can only get wetter.
I have to say though, if this is the Apocalypse, I was expecting something a little more spectacular than just a bit extra water..!  With any luck, we'll still be here tomorrow.

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