Sunday 23 December 2012

Eve of the Eve

With this, the Eve of Christmas Eve, we were happy to be out and about again this morning after another thoroughly soggy day yesterday.  It seems that everyone else was about too, especially the dog walkers, so it was rather a 'stop-start' sort of walk as we had to keep stopping to make a fuss of the dogs.
The water-ways are all still full and Swan Lake is looking particularly full.  Against the bright blue sky, the lake looked rather 'wintery' despite the unseasonably mild temperature.
Our way through to the other lakes, under an old railway bridge was however, just a little too wet to tackle.  Indeed the only ones to be able to get through easily would have been the ducks.
So, it was back the way we had come and home again for hot coffee together with a small Brandy and a warm Mince Pie - It is Christmas after all. Ho! Ho! Ho!

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