Tuesday 18 December 2012


The weather forecast for tomorrow is not very good and having not had a walk yesterday, we decided to have a longer stroll around Shipley Park this morning.  We headed to Shipley Lake and enjoyed looking at the hundreds of Coots which have gathered there along with Swans, Widgeon, Gadwall and a single Dabchick.  From there, we went up Shipley Hill and down toward Osborne's Pond.
All is looking bare and, well, rather 'Brown' at the moment and the bare trees overhanging the waterside, do nothing to help the scene.  But, they do look good in spite of this.
Turning homeward, we walked all the way round the lake and through the old car-parks to get a wonderful view of the surround countryside stretching out to the South.  From here, you gets a great sight of the Power Station at Ratcliffe-on Soar, pouring out it's smoke and steam.  Today, the steam seemed to be blowing in one direction as it left the cooling towers, before changing direction as it billowed higher.  Despite this industrial 'blot' on the landscape, it remains a great view.

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