Wednesday 2 March 2011


It's that time of year again... The dreaded MOT is due, so casting caution to the wind, Malcolm and I took the car to the garage this morning and we are now waiting for the call to impart news of how big a bill we'll face this year.
Walking back from the garage, it was bitterly cold and dull.  Not so bad as last year however, when on the same walk, snow lay in a thin layer on the ground and more threatened.
The trail was quiet at least until we got nearer home and the cyclists made a nuisance of themselves as usual.  Still, the Reed Buntings are singing from the tops of waterside Hawthorn bushes.  Drab little birds with an unremarkable voice, they don't seem to have much going for them, but they are sweet little 'LBJ's' anyway.

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