Thursday 3 March 2011


Once again, the mercury has dropped even further and as we stepped out for a short walk this morning, the light breeze only emphasised the bitterness of the weather.  As it was so cold, we decided to just take a quick walk to Aldi for some retail therapy.
Despite the cold - or perhaps because of it - the Sparrows are taking part in what can only be described as a feeding frenzy.
When our little band of Long-tailed Tits arrive for a meal of fat-balls, they all line up quietly, take turns at the feeding station and make room for each other so they all get a 'look in'.  When the Sparrows arrive, things are very different.
Rather than taking turns respectfully and waiting in line, they all arrive en masse, try to crowd on to the feeder and stuff themselves in double quick time.
This strategy inevitably leads to fights, squabbles and outright war.  Pecking, flapping, chirping and scrapping, they still, somehow, manage to eat through the fat-balls seemingly in a matter of minutes - while two Dunnocks hop quietly around on the ground beneath them, picking up the bits which the Sparrows have dropped.

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