Tuesday 1 March 2011

Victoria Park

In the Heart of Ilkeston, lies an area of parkland known as Victoria Park.  Eight acres of land was presented to the town by the Duke of Rutlanto celebrate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee and the park was opened in 1902 with the ceremonial planting of a couple of Oak trees.
At this time of year, the grass of the park is lit up with drifts of Crocus.  Great swathes of colour decorate the area and bring some much-needed brightness to the end of Winter.
The present Duke of Rutland - who's ancestral home is Belvoir Castle - was involved in a legal battle with the local Council over the last couple of years, when the idiots who run Erewash Borough Council wanted to take part of the park and make a car park and vehicle turning circle from it.!
The Duke was also rightly enraged at the Council for their lack of care of the park.  Particular mention was made of the bandstand which had fallen into disrepair.  After threatening to put ancient covenants into operation and to 'take back' the land from the town if the Council didn't take care of it properly, they eventually backed down and agreed to abide by the terms of the covenant.  What a shame it takes a bitter campaign involving many hundreds of people, a petition, the threat of legal action and all the expense that entails, to get our ridiculous Council to do what they should have been doing all along.
Surely, only a bunch of half-witted individuals would contemplate destroying even a part of this beautiful part of a town.  Thank goodness sense (for once) has been seen.

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