Thursday 7 January 2010


We awoke again this morning, to plunging temperatures, 'Gin-clear' skies and 'Champagne-cold'. The prospects of getting out into the snow for a walk after being kept in for so long, filled me with excitement - and filled Malcolm with icy dread!
We set out after breakfast with the thermometer still reading -6C but the freshly fallen snow making it much easier to walk in than the naked ice of previous days.
The sun shining through the trees and highlighting the sparkling frost and snow crystals, was breathtakingly beautiful.
Onward towards the 'DBC Bogwash' as mentioned (and pictured) before and the frigid scene which greeted us was amazing. Coots, Mallards, Swans and Gulls all having to share small, ice-free holes in the otherwise solid lake.
This scene was repeated further along the walk as we approached 'Straw's Bridge' pond. Here the Geese, Ducks and Gulls were sharing the limited available free water with more good grace than is usual.
Turning for home we passed another of the ponds. This one was completely frozen from shore to shore and a thick covering of snow on the ice revealing a multitude of footprints from birds and foxes. The sign next to the lake, seems a little redundant at the moment!
As I started by mentioning the Gin-clear skies and Champagne-cold weather, it seemed fitting to end our walk with a warming (and purely medicinal) 'splosh' of Brandy in our coffee when we got back home........It soon brought the colour back to Malcolm's cheeks.

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