Friday 8 January 2010

Icy View

Another fine, sparklingly cold day, though not quite as cold as yesterday. Just -4C as we set out for a walk up Shipley Hill to get a view of the surrounding area and the snow covering.
We passed the lake of the old American Adventure theme park on our way. The ice was thick and almost covered the entire lake, except for a small corner which was being kept ice-free by the ducks, swans and gulls.
All was white as far as the eye could see, with more cloud than yesterday, promising more snow showers later.
Small patches of green were still visible beneath the old Beech trees on top of the hill. This particularly large, old specimen standing looking over the frozen scene - it has probably seen many more like it during it's lifetime.
Pale, Wintry sunshine struggled to penetrate the skeletal trees on the hill, illuminating the covering of snow on the ground. Stunningly beautiful, but time to head for home and get warm again.

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