Wednesday 6 January 2010

Deep & Crisp

What a good thing we got my mum home on Monday! Yesterday, As the afternoon went on, the snow started to fall, then got worse until a good 4" of fresh snow was covering everything. Continuing to fall into the night, it made a very seasonal picture and gave the appearance of daylight even in the dark.
This morning, we set out to see Malcolm's mum and find out if she was in need of anything from the shops. The short walk was wonderful in the fresh snow.
Having completed our visit, we decided not to go any further, but to return home and settle in for the day. The snow in the hedgerows opposite our home was clinging thickly to the twigs and sparkling in the sunshine.
With the temperature struggling above freezing point, some of the snow was beginning to melt and re-freeze on the pyracantha twigs left bare by the Blackbirds.

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