Tuesday 5 January 2010

Back to Normal.

Well, yesterday started with a great rush. Just enjoying our first coffee of the day with a shortbread finger at 8 O'clock, the phone rang. I always hate calls at that time of the day, as they invariably denote disaster, but this time it was good news. Mum had been seen by the Doctor and been given the all-clear to leave hospital.
Having been so 'long winded' with everything else over the last few days, they seemed eager to be rid of mum in double quick time and said she would be ready to pick up at 9 O'clock. If anyone has ever tried to get out of bed and showered, have breakfast, scrape about 3ft of frost off the car and thaw out the engine before driving into a large city during rush hour on a Monday morning to arrive by 9am, you will know how impossible it is.
Still, arriving about 20 minutes after the hour, we managed to get parked in the pick-up section of the car park, but only in a disabled space as all others were in use. I stayed in the car while Malcolm fetched mum from the ward. If course nothing went smoothly and after getting blank looks from nurses and having to get quite forceful with them to allow him in to collect mum, we eventually got her out and into the car.
Getting mum back home to King's Lynn by lunch time, Malcolm and I nipped off to the supermarket to stock her up with some provisions and something for lunch. Malcolm cooked a nice lunch and after tea and bickies in the afternoon and seeing mum was OK, we set out for home again before the temperatures dropped off too far.
So, here we are, back to normality (whatever that is) and looking forward to our holiday to Benidorm next week, swapping this palm tree in our garden....
For these on the Benidorm seafront....

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