Sunday 3 January 2010


The cold snap continues and the news is telling us we have another ten days of it at least.
Yesterday, still waiting for the call from the hospital to say we can take mum home, it once again began to snow. Sleety stuff at first, then a few larger flakes, then a 'downpour' of arctic proportions.
It being New Year and a holiday weekend, there aren't many doctors on duty at the Queen's Medical Centre, so getting one to glance at mum's blood test results and (hopefully) give her the all clear, is like looking for summer flowers in the snow.
Last night, the temperature dropped away again, turning the slush into - as Dickens would call it - misanthropic ice. The snow which fell yesterday, soon turned to slush, but looked, temporarily like pure, white candy-floss.
So, another day not doing much, waiting for the call....... ho! hum!

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