Friday 3 April 2020

Straw's Bridge

We're still managing to get out an about for our daily exercise allowance and despite the dull weather this morning, we had a pleasant enough walk to Straw's Bridge. Our first port of call, was the lake at Manor Floods.
As we stood here, enjoying the scene, we could hear the unmistakable sound of a Cetti's Warbler, away in the distance and as we got to the other side of the lake, we managed to spot him in among the reeds. No picture unfortunately, as he just wouldn't stay still long enough!
Further on, we passed the old Nutbrook canal as it flowed through the reeds. Ideal for those Cetti's Warblers!
Then on to 'Swan Lake' which was living up to its name this morning, with 28 Mute Swans in total. One group of swans were busy preening at the side of the water...
 It's a painstaking task trying to get into all those nooks and crannies...
 not forgetting the underside, just because no-one sees under there..!
Now, isn't that much better?

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