Saturday 28 March 2020

Cows, Slips and Elves!

This morning's little bit of allowed exercise, took us along the 'Farm walk' and as usual, the herd of White Park cattle were there, munching nonchalantly on their hay...
Snoozing in the sunshine...
or standing up to their ankles in mud and goodness knows what else.
Away from the cows and up towards the farm buildings, we passed a fabulous clump of Daffodils. A mixture of varieties, giving a lovely splash of colour.
Just what we need right now!
Heading for home once more, we diverted through the Wildlife Trust's gardens and were greeted with the sight of these Cowslips.

Nearby, we crossed the stream and spotted, growing alongside the water, this bright red fungus. It turned out to be a Scarlet Elf Cup (Sarcoscypha austriaca). Another new tick for my life-list!
Time for home - now, wash your hands!

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