Tuesday 17 March 2020


Our last full day in Tenby, was notable for the high winds. By this time, we had lost the grey skies and rain and the sun had begun to shine on us again. So, we took the opportunity to have a longer walk along South Beach and on to Giltar Point.
The wind whipped up any loose sand, and deposited it in our hair, eyes, nostrils and clothing as we struggled along, but it was nothing compared to the gale which blew across the headland.
It was impossible to reach the very tip of the rocky headland as it would have been too dangerous. So, we had to make do with these views of it with Caldey Island behind.
The wind was tearing spray from the wave tops, even in the relative shelter of the bay.
In the lea of the wind, lots of Primroses were in bloom, reminding us that it is still Springtime.
Time to head back to town. With the wind now behind us, the job was made much easier.
Just time for a panorama shot.
Back to Castle Hill and more reminders of Spring as we made the most of our last day in Tenby.
We will certainly be back in the future.

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