Monday 16 March 2020

On the Sea Shore

Along the beach at Tenby, the rocks were covered with sea creatures, including Limpets, Barnacles and a variety of other molluscs. Among the more colourful, were the Dog Whelks (Nucella lapilus) in a range of colours from grey to bright yellow.
Some stripy Topshells, Flat Periwinkles and lots of huge Acorn Barnacles.
All waiting for the tide to come in again!
The homes of various Tubeworms were common here too. These, constructed by the worm inside, from tiny grains of sand and pieces of stone and shell.
In the sands of North Beach, was the imposing presence of Goscar Rock, with its bands of different algae, seaweed and crustaceans.
Back in the harbour area, adult Herring Gulls were being their usual noisy selves...
 while a juvenile was content just to bob about in the pools left behind at low tide.
More to come...

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